Monday, March 21, 2011

The Best Ever Easy to Build Classifier

U build Classifier

This classifier is just the thing I needed and maybe it will help you as well. It is simple to make and works super great.

Read the whole page to get all the instructions. I built one in about an hour, the page says six hours nut maybe the builder needed a couple of breaks.

It looks a bit on the flimsy side but it says together because it is inside another pail I guess. The thing I like VS the one I had that fit into the top of a 5 gal pail is that this one can do about 6 or 7 times the material all in one run. It does it fast and easy. Make one and give it a try.

While you are there take a look around the site - there is a lot of good stuff. Maybe if you live in Colorado you will want to join the group. It looks like a nice outfit. You will find the complete instructions by clicking HERE.

After that you could hop over to my site - Recreational Gold Panning. This will land you on a page that will tell you how I made my old one. You might like it better. What I do now is use the CO model (that is my name for it) and then classify all the 1/4 inch stuff through mine with a 1/8 inch screen in it.

Then I get out my bucket sluice (click the link if you do not have this great setup, it is cheap and simple. The way things are supposed to be) and whittle the cons down some more. Next comes the Old Gold Pan.
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Thursday, March 10, 2011

I Found This Great Site For Ebay Miners

I was looking through a bunch of "junk" emails and got curious about one of them. I am glad I did, because if you are sometimes inclined to check out eBay for mining gear this site has it all done for you.

I am going to put it here as a link EBAY MINERS SITE click and you will be taken to a page that has eBay listings all sorted and ready for you.
It is part of a larger website but the rest was not to interesting to me so I did not spend much time looking.
The ghost town of Bodie, California. Lens: Sig...Bodie, CA Ghost Town - this is a good one

When I visit a web page I enjoy looking at historical stuff. I could give you some examples but they are history now. Once I have looked at them I tend to forget about them unless it is something about a place I might want to visit.

So lets see what comes up in the way of historical gold mining ghost towns in Nevada. some times putting a sentence like this in will drag up a couple of good links. I will refresh and see what we get...

Not bad!!  I will include a couple here for you to check out, and be on my way to check some of the ones that look good to me. Maybe next time I will do another state.

Thanks for looking at my page, Del
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Monday, February 28, 2011

Gold Rush Alaska in CANADA?

Entering the Yukon Territory of CanadaImage via Wikipedia
I came upon this Discovery channel blog about the TV show Gold Rush Alaska. I am nor sure but it sounds as if the next gold rush for the "skid mark" boys is in Canada's Yukon.

Here is thr url for the discussion

Take a look and let me know what you decide?
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Monday, February 21, 2011

I Watched the Finale of the "Gold Rush Alaska"

I watched the show last night - I have no TV so have to wait for someone to post it. The best place I have found is Vimeo and here is the show.

Alaska Gold Rush Season Finale from Joe Safety on Vimeo.

It was like the rest of them, a bunch of BS. But people are eating it up. I saw someplace else that it will be back next season. I hope they get rich and go off the air. Not that I think the contract they have with Discovery will let them walk away, but maybe they could find some people like "Jack" who know what to do.

I see that buy the end of the show they are all calling themselves seasoned miners. There is a laugh for you.

One thing that was interesting was a diesel fuel delivery they got. On the side of the little Tank truck it said "Biodiesel". I take it there is a subsidy for hauling corn oil all the way to Alaska. I wonder if the ships that deliver the crude from Valdez take it up on the return trip, so they are not traveling empty?

Simple pleasure: When your dog or cat follows you all over the house.

And here are a couple of sites to look at -
The Biodiesel News
Nevada Ghost Towns

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Monday, February 14, 2011

Yesterday I Talked About Gold Rush Alaska

PASADENA, CA - JANUARY 06:  (L-R) Discovery Ch...
After I posted yesterday I went and did a little bit of Googling for Gold Rush AK. If you have been watching you know about poor Dorsey getting a can tied to his tail after that fight scene.

If you have ever been in a scenario similer to the one the Discovery channel has set up here, 6 or 7 guys working in sort of isolation. You will know that sometimes there is a guy in the group that gets to be the butt of jokes and has everyone riding him. On a boat is is usually the cook.

In this case it looks like Dorsey got the honor. He has a blog he set up after he left that gives somewhat of an inside look at the reality of this and other reality type TV shows. I will put a link at the end so you can go see it. Todd say's "the show is the gold mine", and I guess it was, and still is.

There are a couple of links at this site.
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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Anyone Watching the Alaska Gold Rush Series?

Miner's camp at the head of the Yukon RiverImage via Wikipedia
I know there are some people in other countries who cannot watch the series on TV where you live.
I did not think of this before but I am going to post the links to a couple of sites you can get it from.

At Electric Gold Mining you can find links to a couple of ways to watch.

If you use Torrent go here: 

Alaska Gold Rush 12
Here it is on Vimeo:
Alaska Gold Rush link
Thanks for looking at my site.
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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Nothing Spectacular Today

Nothing much to say but I did find a real interesting site for you. Actually there are 2 of them... - this one is about treasure hunting and includes all sorts of valuable information for anyone interested in gold panning as well. - this is more for the gold prospector in you. There is all kinds of good stuff here but it is very big and will require some treasure hunting on your part. It is a Canadian site based in British Columbia, Canada. This time of year they are all indoors keeping warm but once the breakup comes in Spring they all head out looking for the Mother Load.

Barkerville, BC

There are many contributors from the USA as well. I guess it is getting more and more like the big gold rushes of the 19th century.

I hope yo can find something here that will help you in your search for treasure. I have found mine where I least expected.

More on this later.

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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Obama Kisses Ass

Hello all you faithful readers. I am back ( since Jan 16th ) and will be adding material here as time goes on.

You can understand why today's item is a little short - I don't want to write to you about my great holiday and how I wish I was still away.

I did not do any gold prospecting or Forex trading while I was gone and have no news for you regarding those 2 subjects. Or any other subject that you would be interested in.
President Barack Obama talks with Chinese Pres...Image via Wikipedia

Mr Obama has spent the day kissing ass (sorry hands) and planning the downfall of the USD. His sucking up has had the result of bringing down the price of gold by a big chunk. I am sure that Chinese President Hu Jintao or whatever his name is is buying all his country can on this arranged drop n price. I wonder if the US bullion banks are afraid he may want delivery so he can load it up and haul it back to China with him?

Silver has had the same price drop as gold and it looks good for the guys who said that both metals where over priced.

I am running on here and will leave you with this for now. Thanks for reading my blog and be sure to come back.

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