Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Best 30 Gold Prospecting Tips -

You have to read this. It is a short, well-written article that will benefit "old timers" as well as beginners.

I suggest you read it twice and then again the day before you go prospecting.

You do prospect, don't you? I hope so because one day a prospector like you is going to find the El Dorado of mines and start a new gold rush.

Check it out here: Best 30 Gold Nugget Prospecting Tips -:
Bonne chance!

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Thursday, November 2, 2017

Gold Rush TV Criminals? Nooo.....

These guys are not doing much of a job showing the public what placer mining is all about.

Gold Rush?

Bulls*it, is what I say.

What do you say, Derek Dodge, Fred Dodge, Tony Beets, Ken Foy, and Cam Johnson?

Read more Here -  Whitehorse Daily Star: TV show cast member charged:

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