Monday, April 27, 2015

Mining Camp Survives as Family Retreat

This dredge once took soil from the bottom of ...
This dredge once took soil from the bottom of a creek north of Fairbanks, and processed it to extract gold. It is now a tourist attraction. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Here is an nice little story from Fairbanks, AK.

Of interest to me because I worked there and sort of liked it. winters a little long but...

Have a quick read, see what you think.

Mining camp survives as family retreat - Fairbanks Daily News-Miner: Sketches Of Alaska:

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Thursday, April 23, 2015

A Scottish Gold Rush?

Stirling shown within Scotland
Stirling shown within Scotland (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Here is a short blurb regarding a gold rush of sorts in Scotland.

It brought a smile to me as a pictured the Scotsman in a creek with a Kilt on. Wondering if Mr. Happy was getting a splash of cold water? Then it occurred to me that "shrinkage" would probably take place and solve that problem?

All this assumes the no BVD's rumour is true.

I could go on..........

Police crackdown on gold panning at Tyndrum hills in Stirlingshire | Stirling & Central | News:

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Monday, April 20, 2015

We're in for a Major Depression

GA gold panning
GA gold panning (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Have you been wondering what all that gold you have panned will be good for in a depression?

One man says all the recreational gold panning you have done and carefully saved your stash of many, many, grams of the glistening yellow metal may have been wasted.

Have a read:

workingthesystem: We're in for a Major Depression:

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Native Metals - Have You Found Any?

Macro of native copper about 1 ½ inches (4 cm)...
Macro of native copper about 1 ½ inches (4 cm) in size. Español: La macro del cobre nativo cerca de 1 ½ avanza a poquitos (4 centímetros) de tamaño. Français : Cuivre à l'état natif. Le spécimen mesure environ 4 cm. Nederlands: Macro van inheems koper ongeveer duim 1 ½ (4 cm) in grootte. Polski: Makro miedzi rodzimej rozmiar około 1 ½ cala (4 cm) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Here is an interesting write up about "native metals".

A lot of them can be found while panning for gold if you are in the right place and aware of what you are seeing.

Read on ....... Native metal | Phentermine:

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Saturday, April 4, 2015

Have You Tried Crevicing for Gold?

Gold panning at Bonanza Creek
Gold panning at Bonanza Creek (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
You need to know about crevicing if you are going to be doing any serious recreational gold panning.

Whether you are on your own claim or a public one if you get down to bedrock it is time to haul out your crevicing gear.

There is gold in those cracks and you are going to get it.

Here is a good instructional article and a video.
Getting Out • Placer mining - crevicing for gold:
A well done crevicing video - Here

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Friday, April 3, 2015

Alaska Placer Mining Workshops Being Offered

If you are reading this in Fairbanks, Delta Junction and Nome you may be interested in the mining workshops being offered here - 

Placer Mining Workshops Offered | Delta News Web: "Fairbanks, Delta Junction and Nome."

Only $50.00 and you are sure to pick up at least a bit of new knowledge.

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"The Nugget" | The GPAA News. A Must Read

Here is a link to the GPAA News. Now called the "Nugget". Great stuff, so don't miss it.

"The Nugget" | News from around The GPAA:

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Feel Like a Road Trip?

I was thinking that if rhe weather seems OK it might be interesting to take a trip up to ID. Next week.

This gold prospectors show looks like a good excuse. Maybe I could go a day or two early and do a little looking around in some of the old mining towns if the are out from under the snow.

See you there?

GPAA: Gold Prospectors to host Gold and Treasure Show in Boise, Idaho:

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