Monday, February 21, 2011

I Watched the Finale of the "Gold Rush Alaska"

I watched the show last night - I have no TV so have to wait for someone to post it. The best place I have found is Vimeo and here is the show.

Alaska Gold Rush Season Finale from Joe Safety on Vimeo.

It was like the rest of them, a bunch of BS. But people are eating it up. I saw someplace else that it will be back next season. I hope they get rich and go off the air. Not that I think the contract they have with Discovery will let them walk away, but maybe they could find some people like "Jack" who know what to do.

I see that buy the end of the show they are all calling themselves seasoned miners. There is a laugh for you.

One thing that was interesting was a diesel fuel delivery they got. On the side of the little Tank truck it said "Biodiesel". I take it there is a subsidy for hauling corn oil all the way to Alaska. I wonder if the ships that deliver the crude from Valdez take it up on the return trip, so they are not traveling empty?

Simple pleasure: When your dog or cat follows you all over the house.

And here are a couple of sites to look at -
The Biodiesel News
Nevada Ghost Towns

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