You can understand why today's item is a little short - I don't want to write to you about my great holiday and how I wish I was still away.
I did not do any gold prospecting or Forex trading while I was gone and have no news for you regarding those 2 subjects. Or any other subject that you would be interested in.
Mr Obama has spent the day kissing ass (sorry hands) and planning the downfall of the USD. His sucking up has had the result of bringing down the price of gold by a big chunk. I am sure that Chinese President Hu Jintao or whatever his name is is buying all his country can on this arranged drop n price. I wonder if the US bullion banks are afraid he may want delivery so he can load it up and haul it back to China with him?
Silver has had the same price drop as gold and it looks good for the guys who said that both metals where over priced.
I am running on here and will leave you with this for now. Thanks for reading my blog and be sure to come back.
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