Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Discovery Channel’s ‘Gold Rush’ planning Baker County segments

English: Baker County Courthouse in Baker City...
English: Baker County Courthouse in Baker City, Oregon (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Here Is This - If You Care.

I know there are a lot of "folks" (I hate that word) out there who watch this faithfully. I watch it out of interest, I am not sure what that interest is but anyway there it is.

If you are familiar with Baker county you will know it was a gold hot spot at one time. Not so much anymore, but this will sure bring a few new pans and sluices into the area.

Good luck to you all.

.Discovery Channel’s ‘Gold Rush’ planning Baker County segments | La Grande Observer | Union and Wallowa Counties' News Leader:

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Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Mining Gold Using Corn Starch

English: Starch, Nishashta
English: Starch, Nishashta (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Here we go. You head down to your local grocery outlet and buy a few pounds of corn starch.

Next you go to your local dumpster divers outlet and grab as many scrap electronics as you can carry.

Now you head for home and go to work in your garage.

You are going to recycle the electronics using the corn starch to grab the gold.

see the rest here: Non-toxic corn starch could replace cyanide in gold mines:

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Finally A New and Green Gold Extraction System.

Synthetic made gold crystals by the chemical t...
Synthetic made gold crystals by the chemical transport reaction in chlorine gas. Purity >99.99% (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Now here is something that may interest all gold panners. Even more interesting for gold recyclers.

It is enviro friendly and cheap, easy to do, and sure to find a large market.

Follow it's development  here: A green process for extracting gold:

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