Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Charging into Yukon’s new gold rush

A link to a rather boring Vancouver Sun article about Gold mining as it is NOW in the Yukon.

Charging into Yukon’s new gold rush:

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Monday, September 14, 2015

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Would-be gold miners rescued in Sierra Nevada | The Sacramento Bee

English: Gold miners outside a bark hut, Queen...
English: Gold miners outside a bark hut, Queensland, ca. 1870 Two gold miners dressed in working clothes outside a slab bark hut with mining tools nearby. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Sounds like we had some fun?

I wonder why they would not say if they found any gold? Should we be looking?

What are your thoughts?

I think that they may have been a little embarrassed...

Would-be gold miners rescued in Sierra Nevada | The Sacramento Bee:

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