Sunday, August 16, 2015

Placer Mining Remains Strong In The Yukon – Mining Series | Kitco News

English: A sluice box used in placer mining. C...
English: A sluice box used in placer mining. Category:United States mining images (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Here it is part three of the Yukon series from Kitco.  Now it's starting to get really interesting.

Placer Mining Remains Strong In The Yukon – Mining Series | Kitco News:

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Day Two of the Yukon Gold Series

Yukon River Canada
Yukon River Canada
Here we are with the second part of Kitco's seven part Yukon gold series.  This one has little more meat in it, as you know, the first part was just a general introduction.

This time we actually talk to some miners and there's a few facts and figures.

The Yukon Is Waiting To Exhale - Day 2 of Week Series | Kitco News:

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Placer Mining In The Yukon

Miners working a small sluice on Lucky Gulch, ...

This is the first of a seven part series.I'm hoping you will find it interesting.

I'm going to try to remember to place a link every day.  Thanks for your interest.

Placer Mining Remains Strong In The Yukon – Mining Series | Kitco News:

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Saturday, August 15, 2015

There Was Gold on The Moon, and I Panned Some

Edgar Mitchell S70-55388
Edgar Mitchell S70-55388 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Zero gravity is good for some people's imagination.

Come on Edger.... Did you see any Buffalo there? What? You must have been blinded by the famous "white light" coming from the underside of the mysterious craft.

Give us something to work with here. Did you happen to see any Thetans? Was there a statue honoring Captain  L. Ron Hubbard?

You saw a submarine? What color? Did it have a claim in your area? Undersurface mining... I see. Did you tap on the hull?

'Peace-loving aliens tried to save America from nuclear war,' claims moon mission astronaut Edgar Mitchell - Mirror Online:

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Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Don Surber: The log cabin millionaire

Edwin Carter-Log Cabin Naturalist Museum (Circ...
Edwin Carter-Log Cabin Naturalist Museum (Circa 1875) Breckenridge, Colorado (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Gold panning paid off big for this guy. Maybe you will feel inspired once you read the story!

Don Surber: The log cabin millionaire: (William Clark is the man on the right.) On May 24, 2011, New York Times writer Margalit Fox used the occasion of the death that day of H...
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