See the nice looking bar there? |
Gold Camp, near Granite, Colorado 1954 |
A blog for recreational gold panners everywhere. Please add any comments and ideas you have. I am trying to get something going here that will benefit all "Mom & Pop" miners. People who search for gold whether they use a traditional gold pan or some new fangled contraption. Of course all you metal detector miners are welcome as well.
See the nice looking bar there? |
Gold Camp, near Granite, Colorado 1954 |
Here we go again.
California Gold Prospecting San Diego gold prospecting. This is a SPMA gold claim in eastern San Diego County. This is Noble Canyon located near Pine Valley. For investment or just a very special unique gift visit: for a large selection of natural gold nuggets, silver nuggets, gold pinpointers, gram scales & pro gold [...]
California Gold Prospecting
Fri, 22 Jun 2012 13:37:19 GMT
I am doing this with a single bar connection. I intend to be brief. We are in a "gold camp" and are listening to our neighbors music. We all can only hear the base and I am not loving it. 8:30 pm so I guess we will have a couple more hours more.
There is no good reason I can think of for being here and we have 2 more days of "fun" will to look forward to. Oh joy!
Take it from me - say anything you have to, just don't go to one of these places unless you are a couple of serious drinkers.
I have been typing on my phone long enough. Thanks for looking. I forgot to mention that there is no gold here. HINT: NE OR.
I thought I would like to mention that I am doing a bit of prospecting in BC this week..
Starting in the Fraser canyon and going up the river from Hope. It is going really relaxing because the river is in full flood so no one else in their right mind would be doing any panning. This includes me.
I have been spending my time reading, sleeping, and generally having a good time with some BC prospectors. The fridge is stocked up in the morning so we can pan around the old campfire from noon onwards.
Many big nuggets are found this way.
I am doing this on a phone and it is to much work..
See you later.
I found this and thought of all you guys out there wandering through the bush.
Read it and maybe it will save you a bit of scratching some day.
At this point in my hiking career, I constantly suffer from a poison oak or ivy rash. As I write this, I have a nasty scarlet rash on my left forearm. Why should you listen to someone who is chronically plagued by allergic contact dermatitus? Well, it’s far too late for me, but you may still be spared. If you found this page because you’ve been hit too, I am truly sorry for your discomfort. Good news! I found some great natural cures that really seem to be effective in treating the itch and may even cure the rash itself.
But first, the best protection is to learn how to identify the woody shrubs and vines that cause these rashes:
Toxicodendron radicans (Poison Ivy),
Toxicodendron diversilobum (West Coast Poison Oak)
Toxicodendron pubescens (East Coast Poison Oak)
The allergic reaction is caused by urushiol, a surface oil found on the entire plant including the stems. Poison Ivy/Oak can lose its leaves in winter, making the task of identifying it nearly impossible. If undisturbed, urushiol will not break down for 10 years. Put on a contaminated jacket that brushed against some nondescript poison stems 9.5 years ago, and the rash could come back to haunt you. You can have eyes like a hawk and still miss it, though it is a tradition in the group I hike with to verbally announce and point to it. If you’re bushwhacking, good luck.
If you are allergic (15% – 30% of people are not allergic), each time you get a poisonous plant rash, the reaction intensifies; hence my chronic affliction. You are only contagious if urushiol is still present on your skin from direct contact.
After exposure, you have about a 20 minute grace period to completely cleanse yourself. It doesn’t hurt to wash on the trail if a water source is nearby. You are not contagious after you properly wash the urushiol off your skin; the best method is to scrub your entire body with lukewarm water and dish soap. Make it a good scrub. If you don’t see a rash within 2 days, you won’t get it.
Weeping blisters, while very itchy, are not contagious, because they do not weep urushiol. The rash may seem to spread, but it is likely just a new development from the same incident if you have properly washed yourself and your gear. Like a developing polaroid, certain parts of your skin will “develop” faster than others. Scratching the rash after properly washing does not spread it. Scratching can lead to other potentially serious conditions like inflammation and infection, so I don’t recommend it. Mind over matter.
The red leaves are seasonal.
Typical cases report an uncomfortable, itchy, blistering rash for 7-12 days, but severe cases can last 30 days, or more. I had a severe case after a trip to Honduras where I made an ill-fated trudge to the top of a hill for a video shot of the village below. A crippling rash and 11 ticks later, I had ONE video shot and a summer of agony.
People with severe cases, like rashes on the face, genitals, or more than 50% of their body should see a doctor with the prescribed use of steroids to strengthen healing. If the plant is burned, the rash can occur internally when inhaled and requires hospitalization.
Here’s a big one: prevention. Bring some Ivy Block. That can solve a lot of problems before they even start. But, what if you didn’t have access to Ivy Block, and you’re hit?
I’ve tried all the leading creams, over-the-counter treatments, and special washes. Some are quite costly and none seem to give true relief. However, I’ve found some really useful natural remedies that do.
These remedies will be more effective the sooner they are applied after the onset of symptoms.
A small company in Maine called “Nature’s Poison Ivy Relief” offers a bag of wild Maine sweet ferns. It cost me $15, which included shipping to California. After the sweet ferns are boiled, the tea is applied directly to the skin with a pad. It definitely dried up the rash faster than usual, and offered some immediate relief. The tea can be kept refrigerated for a year and frozen indefinitely. The owner personally corresponded with me after my purchase to let me know when it was shipped. I highly recommend this product. I love how it is reusable!
In North Eastern climates, “jewelweed” or Impatiens can be used to treat the rash. Poultices and salves can be made from a blended mixture of fresh jewelweed, which is extremely effective in drying up the rash in a matter of hours.
I wonder what using both the sweet fern and jewelweed together would produce? I need to get my hands on some jewelweed! FAST!!
Hang in there. I know from that summer after Honduras that it can severely impact your quality of life. If you’ve itched and scratched and the rash is bothered, a cold shower can significantly help. Also, if you’re having difficulty sleeping, taking oral Benadryl will do the trick and can help reduce the reaction.
There are many remedies out there and everyone reacts differently, so let me know what works best for you in the comments below!
Special thanks to Greg Ross for help editing this piece.
Poison Ivy and Poison Oak Rash Prevention and Treatment
Tue, 13 Mar 2012 08:34:50 GMT
I friend mailed this site to me after I told him I was going to Idaho to do some looking around.
I guess if you look at a big map Wyoming is close to ID but I don’t think I will bw making it there this year.
I looked at the books though and the are good. Some of the basic prospecting stuff applies no matter where you are so I am passing the link on.
Free Downloadable Publications to help you prospect -
BIG CREEK PEGMATITE (area for rare earths, copper and gold)
ECONOMIC GEOLOGY of the COPPER MOUNTAIN district (gold, copper, gemstones). This would be a good place to prospect for aluminum-rich gems such as ruby, sapphire, iolite, kyanite, etc).
TITANIFEROUS MAGNETITE DEPOSITS (this is a very interesting area that likely has enormous resources of titanium and vanadium - it is also located near some very large labradorite and iolite gemstone deposits.
FIELD GUIDE TO THE SEMINOE MOUNTAINS (this area has significant gold and iron resources and likely has some nice gold in DeWeese Creek. We also identified a large paleoplacer gold deposit along the northern flank of the range near the Miracle Mile as well as evidence for a very rich diamond deposit) .
GOLD & DIAMOND PROSPECTING - Free downloadable publications.
The Gem Hunter
Wed, 01 Feb 2012 18:06:00 GMT
When I saw this I thought “have your wall and eat it”. It looks like a good idea for someone, but not me. Seems like a lot of work and forget to water and soon you will have the heady smell of rotting herbs. Pass.
There's nothing quite like the heady aroma of fresh herbs, and nothing more satisfying than growing your own. Whether you use them to scent a room or give your cooking some much-needed taste bud titillation, if you live in tightly-packed city accommodation then indulging your appetite for fresh greenery can be difficult. If your home is not blessed with enough window space for a hanging garden like Windowfarms, but you have lots of floor space that's just begging to be divided up, then take a look at the Herb 2 project from FABRIKAAT. An experiment in folding and bending, this flexible partition wall is also a herb garden and an unusual source of low-energy lighting for your living space... Continue Reading Flexible partition wall and indoor herb garden become one with Herb 2
Section: Around The Home
Tags: Architecture, Farming, Furniture, Garden, Plants
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Flexible partition wall and indoor herb garden become one with Herb 2
Paul Ridden
Thu, 03 May 2012 18:35:39 GMT
Look at all the empty pans |