U build Classifier
This classifier is just the thing I needed and maybe it will help you as well. It is simple to make and works super great.
Read the whole page to get all the instructions. I built one in about an hour, the page says six hours nut maybe the builder needed a couple of breaks.
It looks a bit on the flimsy side but it says together because it is inside another pail I guess. The thing I like VS the one I had that fit into the top of a 5 gal pail is that this one can do about 6 or 7 times the material all in one run. It does it fast and easy. Make one and give it a try.
While you are there take a look around the site - there is a lot of good stuff. Maybe if you live in Colorado you will want to join the group. It looks like a nice outfit. You will find the complete instructions by clicking HERE.
After that you could hop over to my site - Recreational Gold Panning. This will land you on a page that will tell you how I made my old one. You might like it better. What I do now is use the CO model (that is my name for it) and then classify all the 1/4 inch stuff through mine with a 1/8 inch screen in it.
Then I get out my bucket sluice (click the link if you do not have this great setup, it is cheap and simple. The way things are supposed to be) and whittle the cons down some more. Next comes the Old Gold Pan.